Youth Committee

Arrow District is youth-shaped, having young people at the heart of the decision making and ensuring their voices are heard. As part of this, we have a Youth Committee which empowers young people to make decisions that affect the District. Committee membership is open to Scouts, Explorers, Young Leaders and Network from across the district. It is co-chaired by James Elliott, Deputy District Commissioner for Youth Engagement with the other chair being a nominated youth person.

Furthermore, each month, two members of the committee will be invited to attend the District Executive Committee to put forward suggestions from young people and to ensure the District business is youth-shaped. With the involvement of our young people we are aiming high and stronger together.


If you’d like to get involved please speak to your section or unit leader or email



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Arrow District Scouts

Registered Charity in England and Wales: 1204052

Arrow District Room, Scout HQ, Allbrook Hill, Eastleigh, Hampshire, SO50 4LY

Material on this website has been reproduced by permission of The Scout Association
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